Finding Joy

Loneliness – Making New Friends

I'm Rishma!

Naturopathic Doctor & PhD turned scientific creative, travel adventurer, joy seeker, book lover, mom of two amazing humans, wife to her best friend. 

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Ways to experience more joy in your XO life

Connect deeply with those you love

Have you ever felt alone? Even as you may be surrounded by other people, or interact with others on a regular basis? Do you want to make new friends and feel connected?

Being physically alone is distinct from feeling alone, and the difference is a lack of connection and belonging. As humans we possess a need to belong. This need for belonging consists of “a pervasive desire to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting, positive, and significant interpersonal relationships”. This desire for meaningful relationships often drives our thoughts, emotions, and interpersonal behavior.

On the podcast, I’m talking to Jillian Richardson, author of Unlonely Planet.

She’s made it her life’s work to make the world less lonely. Her book is about how to create spaces of belonging outside of organized religion, and forge deeper relationships with both ourselves and our community. It’s about creating more secular congregations, AKA groups that create a container for moments of healing.

In the book, Jillian covers 7 steps:

  • Getting frientimate – deepening intimacy in your relationships, including friendships.
  • Creating an alternate universe – taking time to find spaces to make a better version of yourself.
  • Sharing with strangers – allow conversations with people you don’t know.
  • Seeking spiritual guidance – those who can guide you on your path.
  • Finding healing spaces – spaces that can help you heal.
  • Incorporating ritual – collective song, dance and storytelling.
  • Stepping into leadership – creating what you want to see in the world.

On the podcast, we talked a lot about different sections and also both of our personal experiences with friendships and relationships, in spaces that brought connection and ones that made us uncomfortable.

If you’re feeling disconnected, lonely or just in need of an open, fun conversation, I invite you to listen to this episode.

What you’ll find inside my conversation with Jillian…

—Loving relationships, feeling enough and supported
—The value of facilitated spaces
—Learning while sharing and imposter syndrome
—Trying again after getting hurt

 Additional resources for you…

—Connect with Jillian at (or bring the Joy List to your city!)
—Get access to your FREE workshop on “Emotional Regulation”

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Travel adventurer, joy seeker, book lover

Hi, I'm Rishma.
Your BFF + New
Life Strategist.

I ran a thriving healthcare practice as a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist for over 20 years. I also earned my PhD and spent time in academic research and teaching positions. Now, I read scientific studies because I'm passionate about personal growth. I use the insights to help me, and our community, live our own XO life.

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